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Showing posts from 2025

I Still Call Australia Home Bias

Global passive ETFs have a similar allocation to local shares. Why? It's 2025 and I'm spamming the proceeds of my house sale into the market. Yeah, I've decided to walk the minimalism talk ("the value of nothing") and become homeless. No wussing out on investing into Trump-world 2.0. It's time in the market, babes. My vehicle of choice are ASX-listed, all-in-one, diversified ETFs (DHHF, IGRO, VDHG). However, despite Australia having 2% of global market capitalisation they have around a 35% home bias towards Australian shares. Furthermore, my superannuation fund has a 45% allocation to Australia. Why? And is this going to cause regrets later? via GIPHY

Who's Down with GOP?

(Yeah, you know me.) "All presidential terms that coincided with negative average annual returns occurred under Republican leadership." ( Nightlife Finance 26-Nov-2024  on US politics and the stock market). Trump is ... (checks notes) ... uh oh.

Election Blame Games

Can game theory explain 2024's year of elections? Political losers sneer at voters who seemingly ousted well-meaning if hapless incumbents to empower villains who actively campaigned to lower their living standards. via GIPHY "Face-eating leopards prepare for a record year." However, people may not vote in their future interests, but to further a strategy that is equally rational.