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Showing posts from 2019

2010s' 10 Insights

As we close out the 2010s, here's what's shaped my last 10 years:

Building Eternal Legacies

The Native American practice of looking forward seven generations sounds noble but is essentially vague. Still, it seeds the idea for an investment math exercise that could provide not just for seven generations, but the generations beyond. Can testaments be created that outrun heirs? (Fund Manager Conference Call)

The Owners We Should Be

Private ownership as a solution to the tragedy of the commons .

Super Saving States

Self managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) in select states can hit their maximum balance through leveraged investments. The specifics of this piece pertain to Australia but I feel it is also relevant to discussions worldwide about borrowing to invest within retirement accounts, as well as being a practical example of perspective informing position; how where you stand depends on what you see.

The Annotated Bible Reading Plan

Proving God is a douche, one day at a time.

Only the Lonely

Let's calm down about the loneliness epidemic.

Love it or Leave it

Refusing to choose is a valid choice. "Don't open your diamonds in a vegetable market. Tie them in bundle and keep them in your heart, and go your own way." ~ Kabir

Justifying Jail

The ABC ran a series of stories on Chinese Uyghur labour camps , estimated to detain one million people. To add context, that estimate would represent an incarceration rate of 8,847 per 100,000 Chinese Uyghurs. China's overall prison population rate is between 118 and 164 detainees per 100,000 persons, a total prison population of up to 2.3 million. It's unclear whether the Uyghurs in detention are counted as prisoners or officially counted at all. If they are, they would make up close to half the prison population. If not, then China would be running a parallel detention system nearly half the size of the criminal one. Possible, but surely something so hard to keep off the books that there would be more data available.

Cowards Die Many Times

I take smaller risks with more anxiety than I did when I was younger. Why? "Why are you like this?"

Raspberry Pi DLNA Media Server

Stream media from your Raspberry Pi to tablets, consoles, and other devices using MiniDLNA. Hardware Raspberry Pi (preferably running Raspbian) Stonking great USB hard drive full of music, movies, and other goodies.  Why this rocks Because you won't have to lug around your stonking great hard drive all over your house. Because you'll have access to your media library from all devices. Because the Raspberry Pi runs silent. No fan noises.

Efficiency of Nations

Which markets most efficiently convert assets and earnings into dividends?