Asian high-density housing is distinguished by undercrofts, balcony corridors, gated doors, and aircons. Lots of aircons. It seems futile to make a map to highlight these features, especially when the rest - blocky architecture, slap-dash play areas - are common globally.
But it's worth trying. Asian high-rises are not as iconic as, say, shrines, but they are more common. While even rice paddies vary from Japan to Myanmar, the grids of aircons permeate right across urbanising Asia. Also, I have tried to work Asia's unique high-rise elements into gameplay. In particular, movement and cover. While playing, you're not being told, not being shown, but doing.
The challenge in this map was not the usual variation (from what the eye expects) but boredom. How do you make unique large slabs of what are structurally the same? There was a lot of cut and paste (thank goodness), but once one floor has been copied atop another, it needs to be tweaked so it remains interesting.
So yeah, I got bored a lot. And yeah, it started taking a while.
But then I started thinking of how, as a child, I would watch for the train bound for Tanjong Pagar from the balcony outside my babysitter's HDB flat.
And how cool it would be to take down an attack chopper with an RPG from the roof.
If you want your own hero moments, hit me up for the map.
BanGenKei 8 of 12: Blk.
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