I'm travelling from Tokyo to Singapore and I don't want to lug a laptop with me. I want a full desktop through my Android phone. So I'm going to: Provision a Debian Linux VM - (Google Cloud Compute Engine VM Instance) Install Remote Desktop - (Chrome Remote Desktop on PC and Android) Move the VM from Tokyo to Singapore References The article ' Launch Ubuntu Desktop on Google Cloud ' was very helpful, as was this old article from Google . However their descriptions of the Google Cloud interface are slightly out of date. Furthermore, Debian (without sound support) was easier to set up, with fewer issues, and is cheaper than Ubuntu Pro (i.e. free). Wanna do this with me? Let's go! UPDATE: It cost about AUD$9 to faff about setting up (2 days) and use the VM in Singapore (1 full day), or it would have, had I not been using Free Trial credits. Free compute!
I try to write something smart twice a month.