Whenever white people kill people of colour, as in 2021's anti-Asian shootings in Atlanta Georgia , this sort of counter-commentary appears: "Since the killing of six Asian women who worked in massage parlors in Atlanta, the media has amplified the false narrative that “white supremacy” is to blame. ... official crime stats show that white people are significantly underrepresented in terms of the violent crime threat they pose to Asians." ... citing FBI statistics , whereas whites comprise 62% of the population, they committed 24% of crimes against Asians in 2018. In comparison, blacks, who comprise 13% of the population, committed 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018. So clearly, white people do not represent the biggest crime threat to Asian Americans." Not only is this an attack on the media and its imagined agenda, it also implies that Asians can't tell who's assaulting them.
I try to write something smart twice a month.