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Showing posts from May, 2016

Early Retirement Examined

What more can a poor boy do? Early retirement is based on the idea that cutting the cost of living decreases the amount of time required to build a source of passive income to fund that cost of living . Saving 50% of your income equates to retirement in 17 years. Five years is a common claim for practitioners. At least, for ones who blog about it. However, early retirement blogs like Mr Money Mustache , Early Retirement Extreme , and Go Curry Cracker ignore the limitations of this practice, particularly for those on low incomes.

Time, Doctor Freeman? Bullet-time in Half Life 2

Slowing time, or bullet time, doesn't make Half Life 2 too easy for me, as I'm not a very good player. I often wished time was used as a mechanic, given the science fiction themes. There's a well known cheat to simply slow down time, but I wanted bullet time to be combined with visual and audio cues.

For Your Interest-Only

"Buy a house. Say, a hundred thousand. No money down, interest only loan to keep repayments low. Rent it out. Claim the loss on tax, that's negative gearing. Ten years later, sell it for double. Boom. You've made a hundred thousand out of nothing." I would love to pick this Australian dream to bits. "If he mentions negative gearing one more time ..." I would love to say that you needn't feel like a coward for demurring on a scheme that seems too good to be true. But the math checks out. Kinda.