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Showing posts from October, 2015

Laozi in the Sky with Mountains

This piece derives as much from Kung Fu Panda as it does brush paintings from the Taipei National Museum . Is it wrong to derive from a derivative, especially when the culprit plays so much to stereotypes ?

Working Holiday

The interesting side has less people. Could you treat work as a travel destination? I was raised to understand a career to be something built, milestone by milestone, reflected in a growing Rolodex and resume. In fact, I tend to ignore networks and culture.

Live Long and Prosper

Australia is becoming richer by getting older. Australian household net worth rose from an average of $764,500 in 2011-2012 to $1,022,000 in 2017-2018 . Those under 35 have barely seen any increase. The old, in particular the over-45s, are getting richer faster than the young. Older households are also a greater proportion of the sample, and of the population.